Bergeys Manual Chart

  1. Bergey's Manual Flow Chart
  2. Bergey's Manual Chart
  3. Bergey's Manual Chart Gram Positive Rod
  4. Bergey's Manual Chart
  5. Bergey's Manual Identification Chart

The following points highlight the top four Volumes of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume I:

Section 1: The spirochetes

Identification flow charts 1 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology All of the unknowns will fall into the following groups in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (The pink book on the shelf in the laboratory). O can be in chart, table or list form.Verify identity of unknown using Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Possible Unknown Bacterial Species Gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophila Alcaligenes faecalis Citrobacter freundii Enterobacter aerogenes Enterobacter cloacae Escherichia coli Klebsiella pneumoniae Proteus mirabilis.

Order I. Spirochaetals.

Identification flow charts 1 Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology All of the unknowns will fall into the following groups in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (The pink book on the shelf in the laboratory). GROUP 4 Description: Gram Negative, Aerobic/Microaerophilic rods and cocci. Bergey's Manual Trust was established in 1936 to sustain the publication of Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology and supplementary reference works. The Trust also recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to bacterial taxonomy by presentation of the Bergey Award and Bergey Medal, jointly supported by funds from the. The below mentioned article provides an overview on Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology. Bergey’s manual, which first appeared in 1923 and, at present, is in its 9th edition under the title Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, is a major taxonomic treatment of bacteria (prokaryotes). This manual has served the comm.


Family I. Spirochaetaceae e.g., Spirochaeta.

Family II. Leptospiraceae e.g., Leptospira.

Section 2: Aerobic, microaerophilic, motile, helical, vibroid, Gram negative curved bacteria, e.g., Aquaspirlllum, Azospirillum, spirillum .

Section 3: Normotile (or rarely motile), Gram negative curved bacteria.

Family I: Spirosomaceae, e.g., spirosoma.

Section 4: Gram negative aerobic rods and cocci.

Family I: Pseudomonadaceae e.g., Pseudomonas.

Bergey's Manual Flow Chart

Family II: Azotobacteraceae e.g., Azotobacter.

Family III: Rhizobiaceae e.g., Rhizobium.

Family IV : Methylococcaceae e.g., Methylococcus.

Family V : Halobacteriaceae e.g., Halobacterium.

Family VI: Acetobacteriaceae e.g., Acetobacter.

Family VII: Legionellaceae e.g., Legionella.


Family VIII: Neisseriaceae e.g., Neisseria, Beizeriuckia.

Section 5: Facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative rods e.g.,

Family I: Enterobacteriaceae e.g., Escherichia, shigella, salmonella, klbsiella, Yersia.

Family II: Vibrionaceae, e.g., Vibrio.

Family III: Pasteuellaceae e.g., Actinobacillus Haemophilus.


Section 6: Anaerobic Gram negative straight, curved and helical rods.

Family I: Bacteroidaceae e.g., Bacteroides.

Section 7: dissimilatory sulphate or sulphur reducing bacteria e.g., Desulfuromonas, Desulfobacter.


Section 8 : Anaerobic Gram-negative cocci.

Family I: Veillonellacae e.g.,veillonella.

Section 9: Rickettsias and chlamydia orders

Order I: Rickettsiales.

Family I: Rickettsiaceae e.g., Rickettsia.

Family II: Bartonellaceae e.g., Bartonella.

Family III: Anaplasmtaceae e.g., Anaplasma

Section 10: Order I: Mycoplasmatales

Family I: Mycoplasmataceae e.g., Mycoplasma, ureoplasma.

Family II: Acholeplasmataceae e.g., Acholeplasma.


Family III: Spiroplasmataceae e.g., spiroplasma.

Section 11: Endosymbiont.

A . Endosymbiont of Protozoa, Ciliates, Flagellates, amoebae.

B . Endosymbiont of insects .

C . Endosymbiont of fungi and invertebrates other than arthropods.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume II:

Section 12: Gram positive cocci.

Family I: Micrococcaceae e.g., Micrococcus

Family II: Deinococcaceae e.g., Deinococcus.

Section 13: Endospore forming Gram-positive rods and cocci e.g., Bacillus, Clostridium.

Section 14: Regular, non-sporing, Gram positive rods e.g., Lactobacillus, Renibacterium.

Section 15: Irregular, non-sporing, Gram-positive rod, e.g., corynebacterium, Microbacterium.


Section 16: The Mycobacteria.

Family: Mycobacteriaceae e.g., Mycobacterium

Section 17: Nocardioforms e.g., Nocardia, rhodococcus.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume III:

Section 18: Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria.

(I) Purple bacteria

Family I: Chromatiaceae e.g., chromatium .

Family II: Ectothiorhodospiraceae, Ectothiorhodospira.

(II) Purple Non sulphur bacteria Rhodospirillum, Rodobacter.

(III) Green Bacteria:

Green sulphur bacteria e.g., chlorobium, chloroberpeptone.

(IV) Multicellular, Filamentous, green bacteria e.g., Chloroflexus, heliothrix.

(V) Genera Incertae sedis Heliobacterium, Erytherobacter.

Section 19: Oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria Cyanobacteria.

Family I: Chrococcaceae.

Family II: Pleurocapraceae.

Family III: Oscillatoriaceae e.g., spirulina, oscillatoria

Family IV : Nostocaceae e.g., Anabena, Nostoc.

Family V: Stigonemataceae e.g., Chlorogloeopsis.

B: Prochloraceae e.g., Prochloron.

Section 20: Aerobic Chemolitholrophic bacteria and associated organisms.

A. Nitriflying bacteria.

Family: Nitrobaacteriaceae e.g., Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Nitrosomonas.

B. Colourless Sulphur bacteria, e.g., Thiobacterium, Macromonas, Thiospira.

C. Obligately chemolithtrophic, Hydrogen bacteria e.g., Hydrogenobacter.

D. Iron and manganese oxidizing and/or depositing bacteria e.g.,

Family: Siderocapsaceae e.g., Siderocapsa.

E. Magnotactic bacteria, e.g., Aquaspirillum, Maganotacticum.

Section 21: Budding and/or Appendaged bacteria

1. Prosthecate Bacteria.

A. Budding Bacteria, Genus, Hyphomonas, Prosthecomicrobium.

B. Non budding bacteria, Caulobacter, Prosthecobacter.

2. Nonprosthecate bacteria.

A. Budding bacteria lack peptidoglycan, planctomyces, contain peptidoglycan e.g., Blastobacter.

B. Non-budding bacteria e.g., Galionella, Nevskia.

Section 22: Sheathed Bacteria, e.g., Sphaerotilus, Leptothrix, clonothrix.

Section 23: Nnphotsynthetic, non-fruiting Gliding bacteiua.

Family I: Cytophagaceae, e.g., cytophaga.

Family II: Lysobacteriaceae e.g., Lysobacter.

Family III: Beggiatoaceae e.g., Beggiatoa, Thiothrix, Thioploca.

Other families:

Family: Simonriellaceae e.g., Simonsiella.

Family: Pelonemataceae, e.g., pelonema.

Section 24: Fruiting Gliding bacteria (Myxobacteria).

Family I: Myxococcaceae e.g., Myxococcus.

Family II: Archangiaceae e.g., Archangium.

Family III: Cystobacteriaceae e.g., Cystobacter.

Family IV : Polyangiaceae e.g., Polyangium.

Section 25 : Archaebacteria.

Group I : Methanogenic archae bacteria.

Family I: Methanobacteraceae e.g., Methanobacterium.

Family II: Methanothermaceae e.g., Methanthermus.

Family III: Methanomicrobiaceae e.g., Methanomicrobium.

Family IV : Methanosarcinaceae e.g., Methanosarcina.

Family V : Methanplanaceae e.g., methanoplanus.

Bergeys Manual Chart

Group II : sulphate reducer Archace bacteria.

Family : Archaeoglobaceae e.g., Archaeoglobus.

Group III: Extrenely halophilic Archaebacteria.

Family : Halobacteriaceae e.g., Halobacterium.

Group IV : Cell wall less archaebacteria.

Family: Thermoplasmaceae.

Group V: Extremely thermophilic sulphate metabolizers. Family: Thermococcaceae e.g.,Thermocccus.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume IV:

Section 26: Nocardioform actinomeycetes e.g., Nocardia, Rhodococcus.

Section 27: Actinomycetes with multi-locualar sporangia e.g.,. Frankia, Dermatophilus.

Section 28: Actinoplanetes e.g., Actonoplanes, Micromonospora.

Section 29: Streptomycetes and related genera a e.g., streptomyces, Kineosporia.

Section 30: Maduromycetes, e.g., actinomadura, Streptosporangium.

Section 31: Thermomonospora and related genera e.g., Nocardiopsis.

Section 32: Thermactinomycetes e.g., Thermoactimoneyces.

Section 33: Other genera e.g., Glycmyces, Pasteuria, Saccharothrin.

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The following points highlight the top four Volumes of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume I:

Section 1: The spirochetes

Order I. Spirochaetals.


Family I. Spirochaetaceae e.g., Spirochaeta.

Family II. Leptospiraceae e.g., Leptospira.

Section 2: Aerobic, microaerophilic, motile, helical, vibroid, Gram negative curved bacteria, e.g., Aquaspirlllum, Azospirillum, spirillum .

Section 3: Normotile (or rarely motile), Gram negative curved bacteria.

Family I: Spirosomaceae, e.g., spirosoma.

Section 4: Gram negative aerobic rods and cocci.

Family I: Pseudomonadaceae e.g., Pseudomonas.

Family II: Azotobacteraceae e.g., Azotobacter.

Family III: Rhizobiaceae e.g., Rhizobium.

Family IV : Methylococcaceae e.g., Methylococcus.

Family V : Halobacteriaceae e.g., Halobacterium.

Family VI: Acetobacteriaceae e.g., Acetobacter.

Family VII: Legionellaceae e.g., Legionella.


Family VIII: Neisseriaceae e.g., Neisseria, Beizeriuckia.

Section 5: Facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative rods e.g.,

Family I: Enterobacteriaceae e.g., Escherichia, shigella, salmonella, klbsiella, Yersia.

Family II: Vibrionaceae, e.g., Vibrio.

Family III: Pasteuellaceae e.g., Actinobacillus Haemophilus.

Section 6: Anaerobic Gram negative straight, curved and helical rods.

Family I: Bacteroidaceae e.g., Bacteroides.

Section 7: dissimilatory sulphate or sulphur reducing bacteria e.g., Desulfuromonas, Desulfobacter.


Section 8 : Anaerobic Gram-negative cocci.

Bergey's Manual Chart

Family I: Veillonellacae e.g.,veillonella.

Section 9: Rickettsias and chlamydia orders

Order I: Rickettsiales.

Family I: Rickettsiaceae e.g., Rickettsia.

Family II: Bartonellaceae e.g., Bartonella.

Family III: Anaplasmtaceae e.g., Anaplasma

Section 10: Order I: Mycoplasmatales

Family I: Mycoplasmataceae e.g., Mycoplasma, ureoplasma.

Family II: Acholeplasmataceae e.g., Acholeplasma.


Family III: Spiroplasmataceae e.g., spiroplasma.

Section 11: Endosymbiont.

A . Endosymbiont of Protozoa, Ciliates, Flagellates, amoebae.

B . Endosymbiont of insects .

C . Endosymbiont of fungi and invertebrates other than arthropods.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume II:

Section 12: Gram positive cocci.

Family I: Micrococcaceae e.g., Micrococcus

Family II: Deinococcaceae e.g., Deinococcus.

Section 13: Endospore forming Gram-positive rods and cocci e.g., Bacillus, Clostridium.

Section 14: Regular, non-sporing, Gram positive rods e.g., Lactobacillus, Renibacterium.

Section 15: Irregular, non-sporing, Gram-positive rod, e.g., corynebacterium, Microbacterium.

Section 16: The Mycobacteria.

Family: Mycobacteriaceae e.g., Mycobacterium

Section 17: Nocardioforms e.g., Nocardia, rhodococcus.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume III:

Section 18: Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria.

(I) Purple bacteria

Family I: Chromatiaceae e.g., chromatium .

Family II: Ectothiorhodospiraceae, Ectothiorhodospira.

(II) Purple Non sulphur bacteria Rhodospirillum, Rodobacter.


(III) Green Bacteria:

Green sulphur bacteria e.g., chlorobium, chloroberpeptone.

(IV) Multicellular, Filamentous, green bacteria e.g., Chloroflexus, heliothrix.

(V) Genera Incertae sedis Heliobacterium, Erytherobacter.

Section 19: Oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria Cyanobacteria.

Family I: Chrococcaceae.

Family II: Pleurocapraceae.

Family III: Oscillatoriaceae e.g., spirulina, oscillatoria

Family IV : Nostocaceae e.g., Anabena, Nostoc.

Family V: Stigonemataceae e.g., Chlorogloeopsis.

B: Prochloraceae e.g., Prochloron.

Section 20: Aerobic Chemolitholrophic bacteria and associated organisms.

A. Nitriflying bacteria.

Family: Nitrobaacteriaceae e.g., Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Nitrosomonas.

B. Colourless Sulphur bacteria, e.g., Thiobacterium, Macromonas, Thiospira.

C. Obligately chemolithtrophic, Hydrogen bacteria e.g., Hydrogenobacter.

D. Iron and manganese oxidizing and/or depositing bacteria e.g.,

Family: Siderocapsaceae e.g., Siderocapsa.

E. Magnotactic bacteria, e.g., Aquaspirillum, Maganotacticum.

Section 21: Budding and/or Appendaged bacteria

1. Prosthecate Bacteria.

A. Budding Bacteria, Genus, Hyphomonas, Prosthecomicrobium.

B. Non budding bacteria, Caulobacter, Prosthecobacter.

2. Nonprosthecate bacteria.

A. Budding bacteria lack peptidoglycan, planctomyces, contain peptidoglycan e.g., Blastobacter.

B. Non-budding bacteria e.g., Galionella, Nevskia.

Section 22: Sheathed Bacteria, e.g., Sphaerotilus, Leptothrix, clonothrix.

Section 23: Nnphotsynthetic, non-fruiting Gliding bacteiua.

Family I: Cytophagaceae, e.g., cytophaga.

Family II: Lysobacteriaceae e.g., Lysobacter.

Family III: Beggiatoaceae e.g., Beggiatoa, Thiothrix, Thioploca.

Other families:

Family: Simonriellaceae e.g., Simonsiella.

Family: Pelonemataceae, e.g., pelonema.

Section 24: Fruiting Gliding bacteria (Myxobacteria).

Family I: Myxococcaceae e.g., Myxococcus.

Family II: Archangiaceae e.g., Archangium.

Family III: Cystobacteriaceae e.g., Cystobacter.

Family IV : Polyangiaceae e.g., Polyangium.

Section 25 : Archaebacteria.

Group I : Methanogenic archae bacteria.

Family I: Methanobacteraceae e.g., Methanobacterium.

Bergey's Manual Chart Gram Positive Rod

Family II: Methanothermaceae e.g., Methanthermus.

Bergey's Manual Chart

Family III: Methanomicrobiaceae e.g., Methanomicrobium.

Family IV : Methanosarcinaceae e.g., Methanosarcina.

Family V : Methanplanaceae e.g., methanoplanus.

Group II : sulphate reducer Archace bacteria.

Family : Archaeoglobaceae e.g., Archaeoglobus.

Group III: Extrenely halophilic Archaebacteria.

Family : Halobacteriaceae e.g., Halobacterium.

Group IV : Cell wall less archaebacteria.

Family: Thermoplasmaceae.

Group V: Extremely thermophilic sulphate metabolizers. Family: Thermococcaceae e.g.,Thermocccus.

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology # Volume IV:

Section 26: Nocardioform actinomeycetes e.g., Nocardia, Rhodococcus.

Section 27: Actinomycetes with multi-locualar sporangia e.g.,. Frankia, Dermatophilus.

Bergey's Manual Identification Chart

Section 28: Actinoplanetes e.g., Actonoplanes, Micromonospora.

Section 29: Streptomycetes and related genera a e.g., streptomyces, Kineosporia.

Section 30: Maduromycetes, e.g., actinomadura, Streptosporangium.

Section 31: Thermomonospora and related genera e.g., Nocardiopsis.

Section 32: Thermactinomycetes e.g., Thermoactimoneyces.

Section 33: Other genera e.g., Glycmyces, Pasteuria, Saccharothrin.

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