Can I Insert A Half Space Between Characters In Word

You can change the spacing between characters of text for selected text or for particular characters. In addition, you can stretch or compress an entire paragraph to make it fit and look the way that you want it to. Change the spacing between characters. Change the spacing between characters. Selecting Expanded or Condensed alters the spacing between all selected letters by the same amount. Kerning alters the spacing between particular pairs of letters - in some cases reducing and in other cases expanding the space depending upon the letters. Expand or condense the space evenly between all the. To underline blank spaces for a printed document, use the Tab key and apply the underline formatting to the tab characters. Go to Home Show/Hide ¶ so that you can see the marks that indicate spaces and tab stops. Press the Tab key. Select the tab characters that you want to. Changing Character Spacing. Kerning is the amount of space between each individual character that you type. Sometimes the space between two characters is larger than others, which makes the word look uneven. You can use the Font dialog box to change the kerning setting for selected characters. Deep in the bowels of Word’s setting is a way to increase the spacing between letters. Character Spacing Spacing lets you stretch or compress text. It’s a handy trick for headings, it makes them look bigger without increasing the font size.

  1. Can I Insert A Half Space Between Characters In Word Document

How can I change the length of spaces between words?Not the entire spacing of the font (expanded or condensed), only of spaces between words.

here they say it is not possible

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2015-10-18 22:34:01.179274



Why ? Explaining the background of your wishes may help we to help you.

The most stupid, but working variant - 'Find and replace...' (Ctrl+H). 'Search for:' - type 1 space in that field, 'replace with:' - type 2 (3 or more) spaces in that field and press 'Replace All' button.

Also 'replace with:' - 1 space and More options-Format(Replace)-Position-Scale width

And a personal remark: choosing a good font has a bigger impact and better effect than tuning the length of spaces :-)

Right: I could also search for all spaces and then change the font size of my selection. Nice!

Yes, Jean-Baptiste, I needed to reproduce an article that I published (I have the permission to do it for my personal needs), because the publisher is not going to provide the original file. And I wanted to keep the page numbers, and the paragraphs positions as the original, for reference reasons.

Can I Insert A Half Space Between Characters In Word Document

I also agree with Cloph, I searched all fonts, and only after having the most similar to the original paper I tuned it up. Thanks all for the help.